Sunday, May 8, 2011

Love Like No Other: Two Eighty-Two thru Three Hundred Two

"Who has believed our message and to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed? He grew up before him like a tender shoot, and like a root out of dry ground. He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him. He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering. Like one from whom men hide their faces, he was despised, and we esteemed him not.

Surely he took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows, yet we considered him stricken by God, smitten by him and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed. We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to his own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all.

He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; he was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth. By oppression and judgment hew as taken away. And who can speak of his descendants? For he was cut off from the living; for the transgression of my people he was stricken. He was assigned a grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death, though he had done no violence, nor was any deceit in his mouth.

Yet it was the Lord's will to crush him and cause him to suffer, and though the Lord makes his life a guilt offering, he will see his offspring and prolong his days, and the will of the Lord will prosper in his hand. After the suffering of his soul, he will see the light of life and be satisfied; by his knowledge my righteous servant will justify many, and he will bear their iniquities. Therefore I will give him a portion among the great, and he will divide the spoils with the strong, because he poured out his life unto death, and was numbered among the transgressors. For he bore the sin of many, and made intercession for the transgressors." Isaiah 53

Monday, April 18th

282) A typical, regular, ordinary day- So often I think we wait for the next "big thing" and live from one "big thing" to the next. Sadly in doing so, we can miss out on so many incredible moments in between if we have that mindset. Some times the  best days are those regular, typical, ordinary days. Maybe nothing special happened but I was with ones that I love, living a life that I pray pleases the Lord.....And for today, that is enough and it's beautiful. My prayer for you today is that you can take a moment to breath, enjoy this beautiful world the Lord has given us, spend time with those you love, and make peace with our Lord, Creator and Savior. If you do that, you will feel blessed indeed.

Tuesday, April 19th

283) Tiled floors- I can explain this blessing using just a couple of equations.

Potty Training = Accidents
Accidents = Lots of Additional Cleaning
Tiled Floors = Easy Clean Up.

Wednesday, April 20th

284) Baby steps- It would be amazing if you could snap your fingers and your toddler was potty trained. That just isn't reality though, and so we, like so many parents before us, must face the training and accidents that come with it. As we await that wonderful day when our daughter goes accident-free, I appreciate all of the little baby steps she is making toward achieving that goal. They encourage us and help us through those other, less-pleasant moments.

Thursday, April 21st

285) Taught independence- The past day or so, I have been thinking about independence. Not the type that refuses any help from others, but independence that most of us strive for and achieve as we become adults and move out of our parents' home. I have seen instances of other young adults where they were not taught the skills for such independence, or although they may have been taught the idea, autonomy was not encouraged through the parent(s)' actions once the individual left home. I'm not making a statement about those situations; everyone needs to figure out what works for their circumstances. However when I look at my own life, I realize I would not be where I am today- I would not have the life I have- if my parents had not taught and encouraged independence and autonomy. I have seen the effects on my parents as one after another, my siblings and I have often moved far away to pursue higher education and eventually a marital relationship. It could not have been easy and I am certain there were times they desired to speak up and pull in the reins, but they never did. For that I am so very grateful. If it were not for their teaching, I would never have spent four wonderful years in Knoxville studying and earning my degree. I would never have spent two summers working at a summer camp in Texas for children with learning/behavioral disorders.... and therefore I would never have met the man I am now privileged to call my husband. Had I taken another path, I may still have had a good life, but I am so grateful and blessed with the life that I have that I cannot but be thankful that I was taught independence.

Friday, April 22nd

286) The Cross- I don't know if you have ever read the book "The Case for Christ" by Lee Strobel, but I must tell you that after I read it, I could never look at the cross the same way. I had always imagined the severe pain and shame associated with it, but after hearing what experts had to say about the effects on one's whole body during a crucifixion, I was left with such a deeper sense of gratitude and awe at Christ's action, faithfulness, and love for me and every other human being. I do not know many people who would endure such pain for crimes they did not commit without complaint, argument, or an all out battle. Yet in Christ, not only did He endure it silently, He did it for humankind, many of whom would discredit, shun and deny Him to their very end. What sacrifice.... what love... what a Savior!

Saturday, April 23rd

287) Perseverance- Potty training is not for the faint of heart. Our daughter's interest was initially so strong that she did amazing the first few days of real, serious training, but the gleam and excitement has already faded some. For the past day or two, it seemed as though she wanted nothing to do with the potty or anything that pushed her in that direction. I have seen a glimmer of hope as her progress has picked up once again and I am so thankful that we persevered through the additional accidents, messes and frustrations. We are not there yet, but we are on our way to a diaper-free existence!

Sunday, April 24th

288) The empty tomb- If it weren't for the empty tomb of Christ, I would have no hope and my faith would be for naught. The empty tomb is a constant reminder to me that God is and always has been in control, death is not the end, and Satan has already been defeated. There is no greater victory than that which Christ achieved with the empty tomb.

Monday, April 25th

289) Never known want- Over the years, my family and I have faced time where things were tight, but no matter how tight the situation, we always were provided for when it came to our basic needs. I have never known want in that way, unlike so many people within our country and in other countries around the world.

Tuesday, April 26th

290)Women's fellowship- For some reason, I have never had a huge circle of female friends, numerous good acquaintances but never many real friends. However when I was in college, I joined a women's Bible study group- because I knew I was lacking in this area- and it blessed me so much my last few years at Johnson. Now I have been going to our church's Women's Bible Study and again I am seeing the same effects. It is wonderful to be among other women seeking to live according to God's will and grow closer in their relationship to Him. Through such relationships, I learn more about myself as a woman, a mother and a wife.

Wednesday, April 27th

291) Under age 2 fly free- Our daughter is nearly two and with that momentous event, we will have to start buying a separate plane ticket for her. This is something I rarely even considered in the past, but especially now that we live more than 20 hours from a good part of our family, flying has become more of a necessity. As we begin to plan our next round of travels, I am so thankful for the ability to fly one more time before our travel expenses drastically increase due to our daughter's plane ticket.

Thursday, April 28th

292) Our wedding- Great Britain's royal wedding is only a day away, and even if you are not that excited about the event, it is hard to miss hearing about it. As news broadcasts and radio stations compare this wedding to Prince Charles' and Princess Diana's wedding, I start to think back to my own. It was nothing huge, elaborate, or fancy, but it was just perfect in my mind. I may not have had a limitless budget or the latest fashion for my wedding dress, but those things only last for the day and then they fade. The rest- our friends and family and the joining of my life with Drew's consecrated by God- that is what mattered to me the most then and that is what I cherish the most today.

Friday, April 29th

293) God's faithfulness- I ended up watching the Great Britain royal wedding. As always, I was moved by the vows and the significance of the whole event- not because it was royalty but because marriage is such an incredible commitment to undertake. I was struck by how often the officiates mentioned the correlation between the marriage relationship and Christ's relationship with His Church- the love, commitment, self-sacrifice and patience that Christ shows us and how that should be reflected in this one marriage and all others as well. Sadly we all know that for too many marriages that just isn't the case in our world today. So many marriages end in divorce, or they survive but in a manner that is nothing like Christ's. In a world where marriage vows are taken so lightly, I am grateful for God's faithfulness. Despite how we, as a society may act, He continues to be constant, faithful and true to His vows and covenants to us.

Saturday, April 30th

294) Our daughter's reaction- So for the past few months I have been faithfully checking the used furniture for sale ads in search of a solid, nice dresser for our daughter's room. We found one yesterday and moved it in today. I really didn't expect our daughter to be all that interested; after all it is just a piece of furniture. However after re-organizing her room, she just loved it. She walked into her room saying "Wow!" and eagerly went to check our her new dresser. Her reaction was a delight and worth every bit of effort.

Sunday, May 1st

295) The Old Testament- I have heard some say that we, as New Testament believers, do not have a need for the Old Testament. After all, it pertained to the old law which Christ came to free us from. Even if we are not governed by all of the laws and regulations in the Old Testament, I am still grateful for it. The Old Testament offers such a rich history which helps us to better understand everything written in the New Testament and it gives us many pertinent examples for our own life. I cannot imagine life without the Psalms or Proverbs or without the teachings and examples of the prophets, and I cannot help but see my own life in the waywardness of the Israelite nation. I am blessed when I am reminded of all this and grateful for the vast and incredible stories and writings of the Old Testament.

Monday, May 2nd

296) Justice- After nearly ten years, a man who helped plan the deaths of thousands has been put to death. People throughout the United States are applauding this and happy to see that justice was finally served. I am not writing to discuss this issue as I have many mixed emotions on the matter. My humanity sees one thing and my faith compels me about others. No, what I have walked away with was a question. What if justice had not occurred here on earth? For so many families who lose their loved ones through wrongdoing or senseless acts, this may be the case. How thankful I am to know that we will all face the Judge one day, and whether we received what we- as humans- feel we deserve during our days on Earth, in the end we will all receive God's perfect justice.

Tuesday, May 3rd

297)Re-positionable wall stickers- Since we live in a rental, we do not have the ability to use paint to help add color to a room. I have found ways to work with our white walls but always wished for more when it came to our daughter's room. Today we used re-positionable wall stickers to decorate her room and it has made such a difference. Not only am I thankful for the additional color and character it adds to her room, but I am very thankful they could be easily re-positioned. (Some stickers were moved numerous times before I was truly happy with the outcome.)

Wednesday, May 4th

298) Drew's helping hand- Sometimes I plan more for my day than I can complete, especially if I want time with my family. Today was one such time. More than over-planning, I had faced unexpected setbacks that made my tasks take longer than expected. By the latter part of the day, I still needed to make a potato salad and I wanted to sit down and enjoy the evening with Drew and our daughter. So I did the one thing I knew would help speed the potato salad along; I asked for Drew's help peeling the potatoes. It wasn't a glamorous job; in fact it made me think of the old Donald Duck cartoons where he was in the Army and would be disciplined with KP duty, peeling potatoes. Yet Drew willingly and un-begrudgingly pitched in. What a wonderful man and a wonderful display of love.

Thursday, May 5th

299) Our wedding gifts- I have been working in the kitchen a lot lately, trying out various recipes in the hopes of finding recipes friendly to all three of us. As I was working, I realized that every item I was using was a gift from our wedding. This thought reminded me of how much in our house is due to the generosity of friends and family at the time of our wedding (ie. towels, bedding/linens, decor, etc.). Even after four years, we are so blessed by the many wonderful wedding gifts we received and I know that blessing will only continue.

Friday, May 6th

300) My parent's marriage- My parents have been married for 34 years today. The road has not always been easy. It may have even seemed impossible at times, but they never gave up. I love seeing how the weathering of storms seems to have only brought them closer together and deepened their love for each other, and above all, how God has always been the foundation and center of their relationship and family. I am so blessed by the example they have set for us. Their commitment- to each other and to the idea of marriage as God ordained it- inspires and encourages me when the days get rough. Happy Anniversary, Mom and Dad! We love you!

Saturday, May 7th

301) Love- It's amazing that it has taken me over three hundred blessings to count love among my many blessings. I suppose it is hard to imagine that anyone is without love from at least one person here on Earth, yet I am certain there are- and probably far more than I could ever imagine. I am blessed to be loved by my parents, siblings, in-laws, friends, my amazing husband and a beautiful daughter. I am also loved, deeply and unconditionally, by the Lord of Lords and Kings of Kings. That is one blessing we can all count- the amazing, deep, constant love of the Lord God Almighty. I pray you know it, feel it, embrace it and return it.

Sunday, May 8th

302) Being a Mommy- As I have already counted my own mother among my blessings, this was the next blessing that came to mind on this Mother's Day. Being a mother has changed me in so many ways. I have learned so much more about unconditional love and I am recognizing places within myself that still need refining. With motherhood comes so many challenges- sleeplessness, spit up, diapers (and more diapers), potty training and its accidents, the independence of a toddler, the responsibility for their well-being, training, and discipline- but despite all of that and more (much of which I haven't even faced yet), every time I look at our beautiful, spirited little girl I feel so incredibly blessed and lucky to be her Mommy.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing your blessings with us! Always enjoy your thoughts that help me realize so many things I take for granted!
