Sunday, May 29, 2011

It's The Little Things- Three 'O Three thru Three Twenty-Four

"O Lord, save us; O Lord, grant us success. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. From the house of the Lord we bless you. The Lord is God, and he has made his light shine upon us. With boughs in hand, join in the festal procession up to the horns of the altar. You are my God, and I will give you thanks; you are my God and I will exalt you. Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever." Psalm 118:25-29

Monday, May 9th

303) Rhythm of life- There is a regularity to this world which provides us with certainty and comfort. We know that the sun will always rise in the east and set in the west, the stars strictly follow a pattern in the sky allowing for course direction, each full spin of the Earth is 24 hours and each cycle of the Earth around the sun take 365.25 days. Where would we be if these facts could not be stated because each day it happened differently? What kind of stress, uncertainty and frustrations would we all face as we tried to go about our lives? What kind of health would we have if the number of hours in a day was drastically less then suddenly swung in the other direction? The Lord blessed us with these constants, along with many others, in our world. Praise the Lord for his creation and design!

Tuesday, May 10th

304) Kindness of strangers- During our daughter's and my plane trip to Tennessee, I was offered assistance by absolute strangers several times. They helped me carry items up and through the gate and onto the airplane, helped entertain our daughter during the ride and allowed her to sit on their lap to look out the window, and assisted with my checked baggage pick up. These individuals did not just do the minimum amount but went above and beyond. All of their actions were offered freely, unexpected and unlooked for, and our plane trip went much smoother because of them. Thank you!

Wednesday, May 11th

305) The Church in action- When it comes to the Church in action, there are many things that I love to see. I love to see the Church actively praying for the circumstances in their congregations, communities and the world. I love to see the Church supporting missionaries through prayer, financial assistance, and physical assistance (short term mission trips). I love seeing the Church giving sacrificially to assist those who have been devastated by natural disasters and other crises all around the world. Besides those, I also love to see members of the Church offering their time and insight/expertise to help an individual in their community face the everyday trials of life. So often this last one goes unnoticed as those involved are working behind the scenes and not concerned with attention or praise. I was blessed to see the Church in this kind of action over the past few days. Not only is it wonderful to witness, but it inspires me to greater acts of faith and love on my own part.

Thursday, May 12th

306) Pull-Up alternative- We have not been using Pull-Ups for our potty training but have used the thicker training pants. However since our daughter still has a couple of accidents a day (and seems to have a waning interest right now), we thought it would be best if she primarily wore Pull-Ups while we were visiting family in Tennessee. Therefore, I have had a chance to see how well Pull-Ups work while potty training a toddler. Just a couple of days into this and I realize just how thankful I am that there is one store that still stocks and carries an alternative to Pull-Ups. Training pants are definitely the best option for us and without them, I can imagine the additional expense, time and frustration we would eventually face during the potty training process.

Friday, May 13th

307) Hard heads- Toddlers fall down and get all kinds of bumps and bruises. Our daughter is a testament to this fact. Hard playing and a young child has its side effects. So when I say I am thankful for hard heads, I am not being figurative and talking about stubbornness but our thick skulls. Of course our skulls are not indestructible, but they do a wonderful job protecting our brains from some of the lesser "bonks" (as our little girls says) we take. My daughter reminds me of that on a fairly regular basis as she continues to explore this world and I see just once more what a beautiful design we have in the make up of our bodies.

Saturday, May 14th

308) Traditional wedding vows- I find something so wonderful, beautiful and steadfast about traditional wedding vows. "to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy ordinance." It amazes me how complete such a life-changing thought and commitment can be stated in so few words. The traditional wedding vows not only cover the primary situations one will face in married life, but also affirms the need to love as Christ loves us, specifies the longevity and sanctity of marriage, and recognizes the one who created marriage and its confines and guidelines. Perhaps I am just old-fashioned when it comes to this, but I still love to hear a couple repeat those words and pray, with all my heart, that they mean each and every one- now and when times get tough.

Sunday, May 15th

309) Embracing my hair- It seems to me that women, in particular, are never happy with their natural hair. Women with thinner hair want more; women with thick hair wish for less. Women with straight hair want curls; women with curly hair want straight hair. I don't even want to consider how much we spend on hair appliances, products, cuts, perms, colors, straighteners, etc. And like most women, I have always thought some changes to my hair would make life so much easier. I have the typical blond hair in that each strand is very fine, but the thickness of my hair is extremely thick. It surprises and astounds every hairdresser I have ever met. In recent years, I have also acquired a little body and wave- not enough to wear it that way, just enough to make my hair even bigger. For years now, I have wished I could tweak this or that so my hair wasn't so big, especially if I want to blow dry it. However in the past week or so, I have started to dry it and wear it straight. After flying to Tennessee, which definitely has more humidity than Albuquerque, blow drying my hair made it big once again, but for the first time, I have looked at my big hair and been thankful for it and seen the beauty in it- just the way it is. Embracing my hair, just the way God blessed me with it, is a blessing in itself.

Monday, May 16th

310) Profound, life-changing lesson- Shortly after I graduated from Johnson, I was clearing tables in a restaurant and a gentleman and I began to talk. He found out I was a recent graduate of a Bible college and asked me to tell him, in one sentence, something that had impacted me from my studies. I thought about it briefly and replied "Jesus demonstrated love with a perfect balance of grace and truth, and in that, He provided us with the perfect example for all of our relationships." The thought sounds so simple and maybe even obvious, but when I looked around within and without the Christian community, it appeared few could emulate or maybe even understand such an incredible balance. Many in our society lean heavily toward love and grace... misunderstanding acceptance of all actions as love and non-judgment. Others, in a knee jerk reaction to this last movement, tout truth above all else-seemingly hitting you over the head with what they know to be right. There is rightness in the essence of both, but only if they are done together in perfect unison. Since that discussion, this lesson often comes back to me as I look at my own relationships and I am reminded of what an amazing skill it is to always present the truth but doing so in love and with grace. I am definitely still a student when it comes to this, but I feel blessed to recognize it and the awesome example of it in Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, May 17th

312) A big cousin- Today we met up with my older sister and her two children. Our daughters are right at the same age (only one month apart) while her son is closer to six. It was such a joy to watch the three of them trail after each other and enjoy the company of their cousins. While we were at a fast food restaurant playing on their play equipment, my six year old nephew was so patient and loving as he helped both his little sister and his little cousin through the tougher, scarier sections. With his gentle help, both little girls overcame some huge obstacles and conquered fears. Not only did he guide them through those parts, but he also scurried back and forth to help the girls climb up and then slide down. And while there was only one of him, there were two of them- eagerly and anxiously awaiting their turn. He handled it all so well and was an amazing big cousin.

Wednesday, May 18th

313) Filling in-When you are married, it seems as though there is a delegation of tasks that just naturally occurs; each takes care of their portion most of the time except in special circumstances. That is true for Drew and I as well, except special circumstances occur often and for long periods of time. I appreciate all the ways Drew helps around the house, not just with regular chores but also as the "muscle" of our household and my very own live-in exterminator. (Ever since Texas, I have a crazy phobia of any bug that flies.) But the reality is that in the last year, there have been numerous times when he just wasn't available, leaving me to stretch myself to fill new roles and strengthen "muscles" I didn't know I had. So today when my sister said a particular job would be left for her husband because we couldn't do it, I looked at it and said "why not?" I found myself doing something I would have previously left for her husband, Drew, my Dad or brother. In doing so, I saved us from a headache keeping curious fingers away from a troublesome object, and I realized I have more strength- physically and mentally- than I give myself credit for. I pray this not only blesses me in the days and years to come but my family as well.

Thursday, May 19th

314) Another year of life- Happy Birthday, Drew! We are not guaranteed another minute or day, let alone another year, here on this earth, which makes me all the more grateful that Drew was given one more that we can celebrate today. I have loved and cherished this past year with him. So much has happened to us and those around us, and I am a better me today because of this past year with him. I love you, Drew. I feel so blessed to have had this last year to live and work alongside you, and I look forward to what is yet to come.

Friday, May 20th

315)  Drew's consideration - Drew has been on call for this past month. During which time he is very restricted on how far he can travel. While some people may desire for their families to stay home to keep them company at such a time, Drew encouraged me to get out and visit some of our family. He knew he would not have the chance this year but didn't want that to stop me from going- even if it meant he would be home alone for a while. So when we sat down to look at dates and airline tickets, I had a general idea of when I wanted to travel, but the ticket prices weren't cooperating completely. Drew suggested a slight alternative and encouraged me to go for two weeks. He knew that way I wouldn't feel rushed and would have plenty of time to visit with both my parents and sister's family. He didn't have to encourage me to travel at all and he certainly didn't have to encourage me to go for two weeks, but he did. I am blessed by such an incredible, considerate, good man.

Saturday, May 21st

316) Attending a birthday party- When I decided to move to Texas six years ago, I assumed it meant that I would see less of my family due to the distance and cost of travel. While I hated the thought, I knew the move was something I needed to do (and what a wonderful end result!). When I agreed to marry Drew and later said "I do", I knew it would likely mean even longer times between visits with my family- not only was Drew headed for a career in the Army but my family was spreading out around the country. Again I hated the thought, but I trusted that God would provide, knowing how close I am to my family. So as I sit here in Tennessee today preparing to go to my niece's second birthday party, I think back over her short life and I know I have been blessed. Two years ago, I was blessed to hold my niece just hours after her birth- something I never thought I would be able to do. One year ago, I was here for my niece's first birthday, and now I am here once again for her second birthday. I never could have imagined I would be able to share in such special moments with my niece, but I am so thankful and blessed to have and continue to be able to do so.

Sunday, May 22nd

317) The Lord's name- Several songs use the line "Blessed be the name of the Lord" or something very similar. In recent weeks, I have really started to think about this phrase. It seems like such a natural statement for those of us who have placed our trust, hope and life in Him, but could I put it into words? Two reasons have come to mind (though I am certain there are more):

       Salvation - "Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved." Acts 4:12

       Prayer - "I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit- fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you whatever you ask in my name." John 15:15-16

The name of the Lord is powerful. Through it, I was offered salvation and can continue to approach the throne of God with my requests, praises and concerns. To have the ability and confidence that I can call upon the name of the Lord, and He will listen- what a blessing, what a privilege!

Monday, May 23rd

318) A 2-nap day- Today is the last visiting day of a two week road trip for our daughter and I. Our little one has been doing well but with each passing day has shown more signs of exhaustion and travel fatigue. With a big travel day ahead of us tomorrow (around nine hours), I was hoping she would be able to get some good rest today as that will obviously help her cope with all the sitting and restrictions placed on her at the airports and on the plane. She has done just that. After going months taking only one nap a day- no matter how tired she may act- she took two naps today, sleeping for more than three hours. Yay! I couldn't ask for more and it encourages me for the day ahead.

Tuesday, May 24th

319) The Rock- Our flight from Nashville to Albuquerque via Kansas City was quite bumpy and turbulent thanks to the many strong storms that have been assaulting the Midwest in the past few days. During both of our flights, we sat over the wing. One time during some strong turbulence, I looked out and noticed how much the wing of our plane was shaking. That image didn't exactly inspire confidence, but the foundation of trust and faith that I have built on The Rock comforted me. I don't expect to be sheltered from every storm or disaster in life, but I always know there is someone bigger on my side. In fact He created this very world that can whip up such awesome storms, so I know He can get me through, whether safe or harmed.

Wednesday, May 25th

320) A little green in the midst of a desert- When I think of colors related to eastern Tennessee, I think of green. Especially in the springtime, my parents' home seems to swim in a sea of green. However when I think of colors for Albuquerque, green is not one of them. Albuquerque has it's own beauty, but I still miss the lushness of green grass, green bushes and green trees. Thankfully there are several parks within easy traveling distance (two within walking distance) that have just what I am missing. Although it may not be feasible at our house or for our neighbors, it is nice to find a little green oasis where I can sit, relax and take in the beautiful skyline. It's also a wonderful image for those time when life gets tough. Even if you feel like you are in the middle of a desert (whether in terms of your faith or something else in your life), God will always be that beautiful, lush oasis, just waiting to offer you peace and rest.

Thursday, May 26th

321) Forgiveness- Here's another blessing I cannot believe it has taken me this long to write about. Forgiveness. I will be the first to admit I am not always the easiest person to live with. I have a very strong need for tidiness and organization and I don't always adjust and change directions as quickly as one might desire. Sometimes these attributes make me quite a pest to my darling husband. Sometimes they might even cause me to speak out of line, but Drew is patient with me and forgives my failings. When it comes to our daughter, I do try to be the best mother I can be, but I have come to realize in the last two years that I am not as patient as I could be. It is so wonderful to still get kisses, hugs, smiles and cuddles from our little girl even after I have let little things build and frustrations mount. Many others have offered me forgiveness, and I will always be grateful. However there is one last offering I must mention. Where would I be without God's forgiveness? I do not even want to consider it. I am so grateful for it because through it, I have hope for a better me, a better today, a better tomorrow, and an awesome eternity.

Friday, May 27th

322) Smell of Fresh-baked bread- To this day when I smell freshly baked bread, I think of my Dad. I remember one specific time when we visited him at work at a Colonial bakery. While my Dad showed us around the bakery, he pulled buns off the line for us to snack on. My memory of that time is simple and sweet- the memories of a child. Now I think back and wonder- Did my Dad have to pay for those buns? Was there some kind of understanding about "daily allowance"? I will never know; all I know was that if my Dad gave me something, it was good and I had no need to question it. As I thought back to that memory today, my mind suddenly brought forth Luke 11:11-13 "Which of you fathers, if your son asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead? Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him?" I am blessed by my loving father, the memories of him that I carry with me always and a smell that brings it all rushing to the forefront, and I am even more blessed in knowing the deep and greater love of my Heavenly Father.

Saturday, May 28th

323) Accomplishment- There is something motivating about completing a task. That accomplishment, whether big or small, can spur you on to do more with greater energy and enthusiasm.

Sunday, May 29th

324) Remembering my need- There is a hymn that quite correctly states this fact, and it is when I remember my need that I am the most blessed, at peace and joyful.

I need Thee every hour, most gracious Lord;
No tender voice like Thine can peace afford.

I need Thee, O I need Thee;
Every hour I need Thee;
O bless me now, my Savior,
I come to Thee.

I need Thee every hour, stay Thou nearby;
Temptations lose their power when Thou art nigh.

I need Thee, O I need Thee;
Every hour I need Thee;
O bless me now, my Savior,
I come to Thee.

I need Thee every hour, in joy or pain;
Come quickly and abide, or life is in vain.

I need Thee, O I need Thee;
Every hour I need Thee;
O bless me now, my Savior,
I come to Thee.

I need Thee every hour; teach me Thy will;
And Thy rich promises in me fulfill.

I need Thee, O I need Thee;
Every hour I need Thee;
O bless me now, my Savior,
I come to Thee.


  1. Danielle, thank you for sharing your thoughts with words of gratefulness. It is always a blessing to read. Aunt Linda

  2. Thank you again for your insights! So glad we got to share some time with you and Naomi.....our grateful hearts say "thanks" to your dear Drew for letting you be gone. We love you! Mom
