Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Breakthrough! - Thirty-Nine through Fifty

Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man." Proverbs 3:3-4

Friday, October 22nd

39) Blankets- I do so love curling up with a blanket especially on a chilly morning or evening. It's even more special when you can share that blanket with a loved one.

40) Hot chocolate- One of my favorite memories related to winters as a child involved hot chocolate. Growing up in northern Illinois, we had our fair share of snow and truly cold weather. I have said it before and I will say it again, the best part about playing in the snow is coming inside to a piping hot cup of hot chocolate and a seat in front of the fire. There is something so warm, homey and cozy about it.

Saturday, October 23rd

41) Good Deals- What a great feeling to find a hidden "treasure" for an excellent price! It makes garage sales, consignment shops and Good Wills all the more thrilling as half the fun is the hunt!

42) Our daughter's kisses- Our daughter has never been extremely extravagant with kisses. In fact up until quite recently, we used to joke that she would only kiss her stuffed animals and her own reflection in a mirror because she rarely gave us kisses. She would blow you a kiss but never give you a kiss. Today though, she showered me with kisses. Over and over. I don't know what brought it on, but as she sat in my lap, she gave me one kiss after another. It was the sweetest thing ever and suddenly the term butterfly kisses took on a whole new meaning.... a wonderful, beautiful new meaning.

Sunday, October 24th

43) Nap time- This holds true for both our daughter and myself. We are both happier, better functioning individuals after nap time. My naps may not last as long as hers, but they do us both a world of good.

44) God's gentle guidance- Sometimes I can get in my own way. Maybe I should be more honest. It happens a little more frequently than sometimes; it happens quite a lot. There are certain aspects of my life that have been quite unsettled, especially since I left Tennessee after our daughter's birth. It was at that time that I probably felt like I started living more of a nomadic lifestyle, thanks to the Army. It was short-lived and I knew things could be remedied here in Albuquerque and I thought I had an idea at how to proceed once we arrived. The things I have tried to pursue on my own really haven't worked as I would wish, but God has placed one or two situations in front of me. Even if I didn't initially recognize them as I should, He has gently prodded me and nudged me and slowly, very slowly the light is dawning on me. I am so grateful that He is so patient with me - not only with these specific instances, but also as we seem to continue to revisit this same path of self-reliance versus reliance on Him.

Monday, October 25th

45) Chances to create- I enjoy envisioning something then planning, drawing, sketching and re-sketching until I believe I can actual bring my vision into reality. But the greatest moment in the whole process is that moment when what I hold in my hands actually looks like what I first imagined. I love the whole process. I love the challenge it can hold for me and the opportunities it offers me to stretch my skills in different areas. I am thankful I have the time, ability and means to express myself in various creative ways and that Drew supports my creative outlets- even when they seem to take over our main living areas.

46) My flexible schedule- Sometimes when I think about my schedule it seems too empty. I have been so used to the get up and go of school and then work that the life I live as a stay at home mother is quite different, but after today, I am so grateful that I have this kind of flexibility. This flexibility allows me to take better care of my own health, when that is needed, and also allows me to focus on Naomi's needs (health, discipline or otherwise) without concern that it may just throw us completely off schedule for the rest of the week.

Tuesday, October 26th

47) Sensitivity to smells is temporary- Yesterday was a rough day. I suffered from one of the worst migraines I have ever experienced. The effects of it lingered on today. After Drew returned home from his military technology symposium, I asked if he could stay with our daughter so I could run a few errands. Things were going pretty good while I was out, though occasionally I would get overstimulated from too much sound or too loud of a sound, and in this particular instance, there was this overpowering perfume. The lady worked for the store and was restocking something in the general area where I was, so she kept passing near me, though never closer than a few yards. Every time she passed, I would feel an incredible spasm of pain that would nearly floor me. All I could think of was how thankful I was that I was not allergic to perfume. For some individuals, this kind of sensation or difficulty is probably a daily issue for them. At least for me, it is a rare circumstance tied to my migraines. I am grateful for that.

48) First sign of thoughts/attitudes changing - I was thinking back on my last blessing when it struck me. That would not normally be my first thought in that situation, especially given that I was dealing with a headache. Usually, I would have been irritated and would have likely had some irate and probably judgemental thought about the perfume or the amount of perfume, etc. The fact that my very first reaction in that situation was a thought of gratitude is a sign of progress!!! And all I can think to say is - Hallelujah! It is surely not my doing but the Lord slowly working on my heart and I am grateful for that.

Wednesday, October 27th

49) Our Chatty Kathy- When people hear that our daughter is highly developed verbally, they always give me a hard time. However, I grow to appreciate her parrot-like abilities more every day. Not only is she able to communicate fairly well with us for a sixteen month old, but she also blesses us with sweet, melt-your-heart phrases, like thank you and love you.

50) Sense of Safety- I have lived in some slightly questionable neighborhoods and I have lived in locations where it was not uncommon for police officers to knock on your door in the middle of the night to ask you if you had any information regarding nearby robberies. Neither instilled the greatest sense of safety. When we were looking at rental properties in Albuquerque, safety was one of the major issues for us. Of course we realized, you can only plan so much in that regard, but we still wanted to choose as wisely as possible. I am so grateful that my husband chose a location that, although a little further from work, provides us with a greater sense of safety.

1 comment:

  1. Danielle,
    I love your blog! Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful journey of faith, family and feelings. What an incredible gift to impart to your friends and family. You are a treasure!

    Love you,
